
Asset Tracking

Asset Tracking

Asset trackers are devices that use GPS, cellular, or other wireless technologies to track the location of assets. They can be used to track a wide variety of assets, including vehicles, equipment, livestock, and even people.

Benefits of Asset Trackers:
Visibility & Control

Asset trackers can help you track the location of your assets in real-time, so you always know where they are. This can help you improve efficiency, reduce theft, and prevent loss.

Improved Security

Asset trackers can help you improve the security of your assets by providing alerts if they are moved outside of a designated area or if they are tampered with.

Reduced Costs

Asset trackers can help you reduce costs by minimising the need for manual labor to track assets. They can also help you identify areas where you can save money, such as by identifying assets that are not being used.

Livestock tracking benefits
Increased Efficiency

Asset trackers can help you to track the movement of your livestock, so you can make better decisions about feeding, watering, and breeding.

Improved Security

Asset trackers can help you to protect your livestock from theft and predators.

Prevention and Cost Savings

Asset trackers do not only minimise manual labor for livestock tracking, but also assist to identify and react to issues promptly, leading to reduced Vet/ hospital expenses for even greater cost savings.

Inventory tracking benefits
Unparalleled Inventory Insight

From humidity to temperature, we track orientation too, ensuring nothing goes unnoticed.

Improved Security

Asset trackers can help you to protect your inventory from theft and damage.

Reduced Costs

Asset trackers can help you to reduce costs by reducing the need for in-person verification labor to track inventory.

People tracking benefits
Increased Safety

Asset trackers can help you to keep track of people who are at risk, such as children, the elderly, or people with disabilities.

Improved Security

Asset trackers can help you to protect people from harm by sending alerts if they are in a dangerous situation.

Reduced Costs

Asset trackers can help you to reduce costs by reducing the need for you to be physically present to safeguard your loved ones or keep an eye on your staff.

Equipment tracking benefits
Increased Visibility

Asset trackers can help you to track the location of your equipment, so you always know where it is. This can help you to prevent theft, reduce downtime, and improve efficiency.

Improved Security

Asset trackers can help you to protect your equipment from theft and damage.

Reduced Costs

Asset trackers can help you to reduce costs by reducing the need for manual labor to track equipment.

Asset Tampering

We are proud to be the first in the market to offer devices configured to notify you if the asset is moved outside of a designated area or if it is tampered with. This can help you to protect your assets from theft and vandalism.

Some Benefits Include:

Anti-theft devices can help to prevent theft by making your assets less attractive to thieves. This is because thieves are more likely to target assets that are easy to steal and that are not likely to be tracked.


Anti-theft devices can help to detect theft by sending alerts if your assets are moved outside of a designated area or if they are tampered with. This can give you time to take action and recover your assets.

Insurance Discounts

Some insurance companies offer discounts on asset insurance premiums if you install an anti-theft device in your asset.